Carpet repair tools is a versatile, soft flooring material that offers many benefits. It muffles sound, adds insulation and keeps rooms warmer in winter. It is also inexpensive and easy to maintain. However, it is susceptible to damage such as stains and burns.
Fixing small areas of damaged carpet is surprisingly easy and requires only a few tools. It can save you time and money and help you avoid paying a carpet installation professional to come in and patch the area.
KOOLGLIDE Carpet Seaming Tool
The KOOLGLIDE Seaming Tool is a revolutionary way to seam new carpet without a hot iron. It utilizes a simple household electrical supply to generate an induced current in a special tape placed beneath the existing carpet. This enables the adhesive to melt and flow into the backing of the carpet to form a strong, reliable bond.
The Top Carpet Repair Tools Every Professional Needs in Their Toolbox
The innovative Crain 174 Cookie Cutter is ideal for fixing burns, holes, stains and other small areas of damage that would otherwise be too difficult to repair using regular scissors or a blade. It cuts a 3 1/8″ circle in the carpet and requires only a small turn to complete the cut, resulting in amazing results.
Donor carpet and pad
To get a good match with your donor piece, you should lay the damaged section of carpet atop the donor piece in the correct direction. Most carpets (including low pile styles) are milled to run in one direction.